April 17, 2021 — Twenty-fifth Planting (5 trees planted)

Members of the Cary-Page Rotary Club planted five trees in the Archive as part of the Club's National Day of Service.

Susan Baker Ron Blackney Suzanne Botts Emma Brennan
Rick Carnagua Dennis Chapman Gerry Cobley Julia Cobley
Bobby Cooper Hank Fiumara Carol Frey Danny Gallagher
Molly Gallagher Pat Gallagher Kimmy Gebbia Vic Gilbert
George Harry George Hendricks Charlie Hughes Mike McKinney
Mike McLean Ed Miller Karen Palmer Jim Sproat
Linda Sproat Randy Walker Cody Williams Katlin Williams

Tree Number Tree Species Date Planted By Whom Planted
151A Tree Species
Red Maple
April  17, 2021 Members of the Cary-Page Rotary Club
151B Tree Species
151C Tree Species
151D Tree Species
Black Gum

The tree listed below was planted in loving memory and honor of Sandy Hughes.

151E Cercis canadensis
Eastern Redbud
April  17, 2021 Members of the Cary-Page Rotary Club

The Club also set a new record for the youngest planter. The young man pictured is two years old. The previous record for youngest planter was three years old.
